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Wire Road Training


Wire Road Training Facility started as an ideal. We wanted to create a learning experience like no other, at a place where we would be alone in the wilderness while allowing easy access for traveling students and instructors. A place where students can be immersed in a survival experience and still make it home for dinner. Wire Road Training Facility, or WRTF, has every level of instruction a person could want. Our classes range from Basic Survival to Advanced and Primitive. Our First Aid programs are built on the same tier principal, and allow students to garner and explore their potential for first response medicine. We also offer LE only First Aid and Traumatic First Aid. Soon we will offer a simulation program aimed at allowing students the ability to put themselves into real world threat situation and to cope with those threat forces accordingly.

There is no stronger instinct on the planet than survival, and every living thing on Earth feels it. When plants are covered up by debris, when an animal is cornered or its young threatened, when you are at a cross walk and a car goes by a little to fast or to close. The need to survive is present in all of these situations, and makes itself known with that surge of adrenaline, and that skip in your heartbeat. We hope that none of our students are ever in a situation of ultimate survival, but if you are, you will have the knowledge base to handle whatever is thrown at you. We cannot be there with you, but we can give you the means to fend for yourselves. To give instead of consume.

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