Mike was a chief engineer at a hotel in downtown Savannah, GA and had a key-ring with a dozen keys, which he found noisy, unorganized and inconvenient. While creating a set of knife scales for one of his knives in the garage a couple years ago he got the idea to create a key holder with a pocket clip and KEY-BAR was born. After creating several prototypes, he arrived at the current version of the KEY-BAR, which is 3 1/2 inches long and weighs between 1.16 - 1.83 ounces depending on the model, and features a custom Titanium pocket clip.
Products offered include an Aluminum version, Carbon Fiber/Aluminum version, Titanium version, Carbon Fiber/Titanium version and limited edition versions that are released periodically. Every KEY-BAR is 100% non-ferrous and all hardware is stainless steel so the KEY-BAR will not rust. Customers can add accessories to their KEY-BAR from the website such as flash drive, bottle opener, screwdriver set, carabiner and quick key tab that acts as a flipper. Mike accepts custom KEY-BAR orders that can include a specific design, logo, image or text.
Since we won't have the photos yet, feel free to use any off our website, or take your own.